Nestled in the heart of Laguna Beach, Marine Room Tavern first opened its doors to the patrons of Ocean Ave. in 1934. Boasting the second-oldest liquor license in Orange County, and one of only four Class 48 (Alcohol Only) licenses in Laguna, the bar has since served as the local watering hole for 84 years strong.
In that time, the bar has been able to proudly sustain the core elements that have kept the business running, while preserving the heart and charm that make it a staple of the town.
Today, the bar continues to ebb and flow with the new tide of Laguna locals, serving just as much as a place to shoot pool and whiskey, as it does a place to shoot selfies and discover new music.
As it refines its style and grows through each chapter, one thing is certain: Marine Room’s doors will always remain open to the town, offering a place to gather, a place to call home—and most of all, a place to connect over a glass of whiskey.